
We supply seeds from, and small divisions of, true wild collected (legally) hellebore species plants. For all plants the collectors number and provenance etc. data is available. Plants and seed of Helleborus x hybridus (garden hybrids) are also available. Plants and seed can be posted (plants bareroot, in moss) any time to UK addresses. Thanks to the insanity of Brexit we no longer send plants abroad – possible, but too much trouble. Seeds can still be sent abroad to some destinations.

For most hellebore species, those in section Helleborastrum of the genus, there are conceptual and practical difficulties that are almost universally neither acknowledged nor resolved. Consequently they are largely misunderstood and the species designation of most such plants in cultivation is at best dubious. For a detailed explanation, a functional resolution, and much needed insightful clarity see the book Helleborus and the Helleborastrum Problem.

Please email mclewin@phedar.com directly for the current hellebore plant list and/or the current hellebore seed list, both of which include some useful basic information.